Saturday, February 09, 2008

Conservapedia Stats

I know this is old news, but still amazing (and the order hasn't changed appreciably since the last time I saw it).

Most Viewed Pages on Conservapedia:

  1. Homosexuality‎ [2,333,132]
  2. Main Page‎ [2,245,758]
  3. Teen Homosexuality‎ [409,209]
  4. Arguments Against Homosexuality‎ [329,674]
  5. Homosexual Agenda‎ [326,344]
  6. Ex-homosexuals‎ [314,513]
  7. Homosexuality and Choice‎ [309,486]
  8. Homosexuality and Anal Cancer‎ [297,169]
  9. Wikipedia‎ [296,993]
  10. Homosexuality and Health‎ [291,026]
Notice any trend?

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