Sunday, December 10, 2006

Chinese Resturant Names

Any good humour appreciating man is always on the look for great new Chinese restaurant names, especially when that man is living in Manhattan. Here are my top 3 to date:

1)Profit Chinese - The winner and champion of many years. I had an in depth conversation about this restaurant with the infamous Peejapotamous and we concluded that the naming of this restaurant had gone something like this:

Aspiring Immigrant Entrepreneur No 1: what should we name our new place of business?

Aspiring Immigrant Entrepreneur No 2 (consulting a business handbook): Well, the book says the name should be reflective of the underlying mission of the business...

2)Good Friend Chinese - Because what local Chinese restaurant isn't a good friend...? A great name spotted in Harlem!

3)Super "U" Like - Mere commentary cannot do this name justice. And yes, the quotes appear just as they do on the outside wall of the restaurant.

So now I'm calling on all readers of this blog,be they in Portland, OK City, Dallas, or New York (ok, that ought to cover everyone...), to be on the alert for humorous Chinese restaurant names, and to email them (along with photos if possible) to this blog to form an everlasting memorial for the easily amused.

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