Sunday, December 30, 2007
Fair what?
Ripping CDs you bought onto your computer for your own personal use? Not legal, according to the RIAA. Curse whoever made them a branch of government.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
...and speaking of Demonhunters....
The Pope orders exorcist squads to tackle the rise of Satanism. You gotta's kinda cool...
Friday, December 28, 2007
Demon trouble?
Look no further than - chock full of tips for ridding yourself of demons. For instance: are you, or have you ever been, clothed in paisley? If so, you may be unwittingly attracting demons.
My personal favorite warning was found on the site's homepage, regarding the site's background music:
If you can hear the Oh the Blood of Jesus midi file, and it gets under your skin, don't turn your speakers off. The demons absolutely hate this song or any song that is about the Blood of Jesus. The more this bothers you, the more demon infested you are. You actually could get some Deliverance by having this tune play in the background, and some demons may actually leave your home or apartment too. Tape the song and play it in your home over and over.
(Thanks to Eppworth)
My personal favorite warning was found on the site's homepage, regarding the site's background music:
If you can hear the Oh the Blood of Jesus midi file, and it gets under your skin, don't turn your speakers off. The demons absolutely hate this song or any song that is about the Blood of Jesus. The more this bothers you, the more demon infested you are. You actually could get some Deliverance by having this tune play in the background, and some demons may actually leave your home or apartment too. Tape the song and play it in your home over and over.
(Thanks to Eppworth)
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Best use of Anonymous Coward, Ever
Earlier today on Slashdot, there was a discussion about the possibility of an "absolute hot" existing as an antitheses to the "absolute zero" that is 0 degrees Kelvin. One Anonymous Coward responded:
"Is there such a thing as absolute hot? Yes, and it's my wife's sister. I love the holidays!"
"Is there such a thing as absolute hot? Yes, and it's my wife's sister. I love the holidays!"
Matthew Holness
aka Garth Marenghi
aka Merriman Weir (He can actually play guitar really well. Impressive.)
aka Merriman Weir (He can actually play guitar really well. Impressive.)
Monday, December 24, 2007
Dog Bites Man
(Found this while looking up Zach clips)
Dog Bites Man was a short-lived show on Comedy Central which revolved around a news team as they dealt with corporate crap and made the news. The key to the show is how awkward and inappropriate the news team is... especially since the news team are the only actors in the show, and every one else is a real person.
Racism Seminar.
Stand Up.
That last clip is kinda the peak. So funny...
Dog Bites Man was a short-lived show on Comedy Central which revolved around a news team as they dealt with corporate crap and made the news. The key to the show is how awkward and inappropriate the news team is... especially since the news team are the only actors in the show, and every one else is a real person.
Racism Seminar.
Stand Up.
That last clip is kinda the peak. So funny...
Zach Galifianakis
This guy is amazing, dry, and hilarious!
Getting Slapped.
On Physical Comedy.
When Harry Met Sally.
On Piano. (Probably most impressive about this one is that he can actually play piano.)
Getting Slapped.
On Physical Comedy.
When Harry Met Sally.
On Piano. (Probably most impressive about this one is that he can actually play piano.)
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Friday, December 21, 2007
math... it rocks...
Euler's proof of the existence of God (from wikipedia):
There is a famous anecdote inspired by Euler's arguments with secular philosophers over religion, which is set during Euler's second stint at the St. Petersburg academy. The French philosopher Denis Diderot was visiting Russia on Catherine the Great's invitation. However, the Empress was alarmed that the philosopher's arguments for atheism were influencing members of her court, and so Euler was asked to confront the Frenchman. Diderot was later informed that a learned mathematician had produced a proof of the existence of God: he agreed to view the proof as it was presented in court. Euler appeared, advanced toward Diderot, and in a tone of perfect conviction announced, "Sir,
, hence God exists—reply!". Diderot, to whom (says the story) all mathematics was gibberish, stood dumbstruck as peals of laughter erupted from the court. Embarrassed, he asked to leave Russia, a request that was graciously granted by the Empress. However amusing the anecdote may be, it is almost certainly false, given that Diderot was a capable mathematician who had published mathematical treatises.
There is a famous anecdote inspired by Euler's arguments with secular philosophers over religion, which is set during Euler's second stint at the St. Petersburg academy. The French philosopher Denis Diderot was visiting Russia on Catherine the Great's invitation. However, the Empress was alarmed that the philosopher's arguments for atheism were influencing members of her court, and so Euler was asked to confront the Frenchman. Diderot was later informed that a learned mathematician had produced a proof of the existence of God: he agreed to view the proof as it was presented in court. Euler appeared, advanced toward Diderot, and in a tone of perfect conviction announced, "Sir,
The sky is blue
And all the leaves are green...(from Trey Parker and Matt Stone's senior project at CU Boulder, Cannibal: The Musical!) (Thanks to Neebert)
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Ever wonder what a guy with...
...two moustaches looks like? Well here you go:
Fredy Miler
Plus, he has a jamming video! I especially like how he is always alone in every shot. I mean, nothing screams success as a rock star like singing in an empty room! I also like how the entire budget for this video (props included) is $36.89. :) Freaking awesome. I'm get this guy's face tattooed on my ass.
And for a special time only: Fredy Miler LIVE!
There is at least people in the background in this one.... well...wait...we never actually see the people do we. Hmmm...I smell a conspiracy!
Fredy Miler
Plus, he has a jamming video! I especially like how he is always alone in every shot. I mean, nothing screams success as a rock star like singing in an empty room! I also like how the entire budget for this video (props included) is $36.89. :) Freaking awesome. I'm get this guy's face tattooed on my ass.
And for a special time only: Fredy Miler LIVE!
There is at least people in the background in this one.... well...wait...we never actually see the people do we. Hmmm...I smell a conspiracy!
Yeah, He Can Play Fast...
But it still makes me think of Spinal Tap! Those faces! Hahahahahahahahahahahaha
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
What I love most about this clip...
is the fact that about 85% of the general public would have NO clue what was so funny and why the students were laughing so hard. Ah.....nothing like musical snobbery.
Transportation in Pods
I've been dreaming of this for YEARS!! Many, MANY times as I wait for the subway, I think how much more amazing this system would be.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Oh, Divine Acoustix
OCU's own performing a vocal transcription of Imogen Heap's Hide and Seek, with Alyssa Fox on lead vox. Note: you should probably follow all three of those links at some point.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
The Greatest Movie of All Time?
Michel Gondry (Eternal Sunshine, Science of Sleep) is an awesome and innovative writer/director... and his new movie looks to kick major ass.
Chiggity-Check it out!
Chiggity-Check it out!
Happy Tree Friends Does Horror
The Good News: It has some pretty good homage material to Evil Dead (which is always good news), The Exorcist, and Little Shop of Horrors (at least that's what it looks like to me... possibly more like Alien, I can't be sure).
The Bad News: It's Happy Tree Friends.
I just like that the dad reads a bedtime story for his kid out of the Necronomicon. Now that's just fun.
The Bad News: It's Happy Tree Friends.
I just like that the dad reads a bedtime story for his kid out of the Necronomicon. Now that's just fun.
I read about this on the other day (in the title text) and decided to see if I could find it/stood any chance at solving any of the problems.
The answers are Yes/No, respectively.
Google Labs Aptitude Test
The answers are Yes/No, respectively.
Google Labs Aptitude Test
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
Tom Waits Live
The only way. Here's Romeo is Bleeding, not the coolest recording I have heard, but still cool and way cooler than the album version. I am highly interested in acquiring a recording of him performing the Hokey Pokey live, if anyone has a copy of that mother, because the worst thing in the entire world happened (I lost my copy).
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Banner games
So, ya know those annoying myspace banner ad games? Ya know, like "Shave santa's beard!" and "Shoot the bunny!"
Like those?
Here's an archive!
(I LOVE playing these games!!!!!!)
Like those?
Here's an archive!
(I LOVE playing these games!!!!!!)
Monday, December 10, 2007
The Onion AV Club
is the greatest.
I just found the "Commentary of the Damned" section of the site, where a writer watches a movie with the commentary on.
What makes it the greatest?
It's a description of the commentary, not the excerpts from the commentary itself. There is even a section where he reviews the pretentiousness of statements uttered by the director...
Check it out!
I just found the "Commentary of the Damned" section of the site, where a writer watches a movie with the commentary on.
What makes it the greatest?
It's a description of the commentary, not the excerpts from the commentary itself. There is even a section where he reviews the pretentiousness of statements uttered by the director...
Check it out!
So I'm sure we all heard about the church shoot-em-up the other day, but does it strike anyone else as odd that megachurch security guards wear guns?
I mean... weird to anyone else?
I mean... weird to anyone else?
Sunday, December 09, 2007
America Totally Kicks Ass!
Because we can do whatever the fuck we want! (Times Online Article)
What a magnificent country! (Poem by John S. Hall, which may have already been posted)
Because we can do whatever the fuck we want! (Times Online Article)
What a magnificent country! (Poem by John S. Hall, which may have already been posted)
Saturday, December 08, 2007
don't get the wrong idea about this...
i saw flinthearted posted something about cock and my mind immediately jumped to this:
two words: bring... it... on. three. three words.
two words: bring... it... on. three. three words.
The greatest story ever told
I don't know why I've never posted this before. Warnings before you start: one, it is really long. Two, it is incredibly horrifying. Three, you will never feel sorry for yourself re: a roommate situation in quite the same way ever, every again.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Kucinich wins the debate
Who does he pick to ask a question?
In other news, Ron Paul responded more favorably than I would have expected to a question about whether he would want Dennis as a running mate.
In other news, Ron Paul responded more favorably than I would have expected to a question about whether he would want Dennis as a running mate.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
More MAFIAA Irony
The ISP hosting the MPAA's "University Toolkit" just responded to a cease-and-desist letter regarding software distribution in violation of the GNU GPL.
Awkward pauses
xkcd parodies Achewood to take the record for most awkward pause panels in a single comic strip. For your edification, here's a previous record holder.
It's official
I've started to like Achewood. Particularly the part about all of the characters having amazing blogs, with posts like this one from Cornelius Bear, describing the opening of his pub, The Dude and Catastrophe.
Monday, December 03, 2007
news you can use
not like the recent news on the presidential candidates or what's going on in darfur/sudan/any african country...
more like the latest news in extra nipples
more like the latest news in extra nipples
the root
feel like it's my duty to share with all the of oklahoma's revolutionaries.
here's the statement of purpose:
"I am here to promote positive expression. I am here to revolt. I am here for the emancipation of society’s mental slavery. I am here to speak and be heard. I am here to raise awareness, speak the truth, run-a-muck, and nail a proclamation to the door of this land. This is considered underground, but roots are underground. Your love, your passion, your hopes, your dreams, your family, your friends, your beliefs, your politics; the ideas that shape you as an individual are YOUR ROOTS. Embrace them and let them hold you firm as you grow through this life; after all, you only have one opportunity to spread your branches. If your roots are weak, or poisoned, or cut short, you will die. I am THE ROOT – UNDER GROUND. I have an agenda, I have a political undertone, I have a biased opinion, I have no corporate funding, I am not a sellout, I am not a pushover, I am not weak, I am not your everyday run-of-the-mill publication. I am arrogant, I am proud, I am strong, and I am resilient. Take from me all you can, let this be a breath of fresh air. Let this be liberation. Let this be revolution. Let this say everything you’ve been waiting to say for such a long time. Live your life, live without regrets, live without the oppression of your mind, or even worse the oppression from the society that has been spoon-feeding you your ideology since birth. LOVE! LIVE! PROGRESS! EXPRESS! I am here until I am heard. I am living. You are living. This is living. - THE ROOT UNDER GROUND"
"Those Damn Alley Cats - Get Your Pets Spade & Neutred" by Writer#1
"Body Modification - Morbid self-mutilation or artistic commitment?" by JimmyJimmy
"$ELLING OUT of BUYING IN: have graffiti artists SOLD OUT?" by Okie
"Slow down." by Writer#1 (this one is a restaurant review of sorts)
so there you have it... the root underground... the revolution in oklahoma. power to the people.
(edited by Flinthearted for the sake of our poor, poor eyes)
here's the statement of purpose:
"I am here to promote positive expression. I am here to revolt. I am here for the emancipation of society’s mental slavery. I am here to speak and be heard. I am here to raise awareness, speak the truth, run-a-muck, and nail a proclamation to the door of this land. This is considered underground, but roots are underground. Your love, your passion, your hopes, your dreams, your family, your friends, your beliefs, your politics; the ideas that shape you as an individual are YOUR ROOTS. Embrace them and let them hold you firm as you grow through this life; after all, you only have one opportunity to spread your branches. If your roots are weak, or poisoned, or cut short, you will die. I am THE ROOT – UNDER GROUND. I have an agenda, I have a political undertone, I have a biased opinion, I have no corporate funding, I am not a sellout, I am not a pushover, I am not weak, I am not your everyday run-of-the-mill publication. I am arrogant, I am proud, I am strong, and I am resilient. Take from me all you can, let this be a breath of fresh air. Let this be liberation. Let this be revolution. Let this say everything you’ve been waiting to say for such a long time. Live your life, live without regrets, live without the oppression of your mind, or even worse the oppression from the society that has been spoon-feeding you your ideology since birth. LOVE! LIVE! PROGRESS! EXPRESS! I am here until I am heard. I am living. You are living. This is living. - THE ROOT UNDER GROUND"
"Those Damn Alley Cats - Get Your Pets Spade & Neutred" by Writer#1
"Body Modification - Morbid self-mutilation or artistic commitment?" by JimmyJimmy
"$ELLING OUT of BUYING IN: have graffiti artists SOLD OUT?" by Okie
"Slow down." by Writer#1 (this one is a restaurant review of sorts)
so there you have it... the root underground... the revolution in oklahoma. power to the people.
(edited by Flinthearted for the sake of our poor, poor eyes)
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