Saturday, May 05, 2007

... and they're 12!

check out this... suspiciously aware... band of 12 year old girls. emo lyrics like, "bush is such an idiot! (i know) he won't sign the kyoto treaty" and "please don't melt our glaciers... please don't kill us all."
brent, remind you of the cause at all... any resemblance??
it's propagandastic!
and their site!


Simon Estes said...

"Propandastic" almost sounds like a real word. Also, these kids are *way* more up to speed than The Cauze - at least the "birds" aren't protesting the *draft*.

Simon Estes said...

Apparently you can't edit comments? "propagandastic". Anyway, I get a little nauseas looking at their page - just the amount of their parent's money ("love and support") must have gone into ... that.