Monday, February 26, 2007

A Tasty Treat

…So last night, I was driving Britton back from Stonybrook, Long Island. It’s about a 2hr drive, so not bad, except that we got caught on the turnpike in some really bad weather during the snowstorm.

So getting back home, Britton proceeded to make me a tasty treat that I now want to share with you:

1. Take those easy bake croissant know the ones…those that look like little triangles (don’t think they’re actually croissants, but they’re very buttery!)

  1. Roll the dough out flat on a tray
  2. In the center of each roll, place a handful of chocolate chips
  3. Roll each pastry into a self contained unit
  4. Bake until the bread is cooked and the chips have become a warm chocolate liquid center
  5. Eat no fewer than 2

Incidentally, that night also led to another great consumption moment. Britton had been talking about some vodka she had and poured me a drink containing cranberry juice and, I assumed, vodka. Except that about ¾ of the way through I wasn’t sure. This led to the following exchange:

Me: So….ummmm….is there any….uhhhhh….alcohol in this?

Britton (looking a little concerned): Ummm….Yes. I filled half the glass with vodka

Me (visibly relieved): Oh, whew! It just tasted like juice to me!

Britton: So pure booze tastes like juice to you?

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